. In their 1974 hit single “Rock The Boat,” The Hues Corporation pointedly inquired “where did you get the notion to rock the boat?” They went on to implore listeners…don’t rock the boat baby…and for heaven’s sake don’t tip the boat over. I found myself humming the catchy tune aloud last week as I browsed […]
Posts Tagged: 2016
Nantucket Cinderella
The glass slipper certainly caused a hullabaloo on the Bennett Hall Stage this month as Prince Charming went in search of his dream girl who had left it behind. But, it was the amazingly talented cast of Theatre Workshop of Nantucket’s production of Cinderella (directed by Justin Cerne) who really stole the show. With over […]
“Call me Ishmael. Some years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.” These are words from the opening paragraph of Herman Melville’s […]
Remember When?
The people of this island never cease to amaze me with their creative ability to gather people together for the soul purpose of engaging in good clean fun. This past Saturday night the Nantucket Historical Association outdid itself in the fun department when it hosted the Second Annual History Quiz Bowl. My husband and I, along with our […]